
Welcome! I document my adventures in reading, writing, and drinking (mostly coffee).

Review :: Vox

Review :: Vox

Vox by Christina Dolcher (☆☆☆) I totally bought into the hype surrounding this book and it didn’t quite live up to my expectations. I was both intrigued and enraged by the premise - 100 words per day for each woman and girl in the US, measured by a bracelet she wears on her wrist. The book follows the story of a female linguist named Jean who I kind of wanted to throttle for not joining her friend Jackie in the world of protest “before things got bad.” Jean is a professional & busy mama with complicated and changing relationships with both her husband and children. In the end, I thought the novel wrapped a little too quickly and a little too neatly.

Read if you like: 1984, Station Eleven or, ya know, The Onion

Links: Amazon // Bookshop

Review :: A River Enchanted

Review :: A River Enchanted

2022 :: To Be Read List

2022 :: To Be Read List